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  • Classes are subject to change, please check the The Core Club schedule for details and updates.

  •  In order to reserve a spot, classes must be prepaid.

  • Drop-Ins are welcome, but a spot cannot be guaranteed.

  • All sales are final and non-refundable.

  • Grip socks are recommended for all classes and are available for purchase at the studio.

  • New Clients should arrive at the studio 10 minutes prior to class in order to receive a tutorial on all equipment and sign any applicable waivers.

  • New Clients will not be able to participate in class if arriving at the studio less than 5 minutes before class start and class credits will not be refunded - this is to ensure safety and a timely class start.

  • Existing clients will have their spot held up to 5 minutes after class start, after 5 minutes their spot may be given to a standby client.

  • For Pregnant clients, we do not recommend starting this workout if you are currently pregnant and have never done the workout before. Please talk to your doctor before signing up for this workout. If you are more than 4-5 months pregnant, we will require a doctors note prior to allowing you to participate in the class. This is for your own safety! 


  • Change of plans? No worries. We have an 8 hour cancellation policy.

  • Just cancel your class 8 hours or more before class and you will receive a full credit back onto your account without penalty fees.

  • Late cancellations will be charged a $15 fee and no shows will be charged a $25 fee for all memberships and packages.

  • Session/Credit Packages will have their class credit added back to their account after fees are assessed for late cancels and no shows.

  • All classes should be cancelled via The Core Club app or online. 


  • Class already full? Join the Waitlist.

  • To join the wait list you must have a class credit in your account.

  • If a spot opens up, you will be notified by email and text message.

  • To receive these reminders your profile MUST be set to accept email & text notifications and reminders. 


  • No shows will incur a $25 no show fee and late cancels will incur and $15 late cancel fee. No exceptions. 

  • Limit 1 class per day. 

  • Additional classes booked in the same day will be charged at the rate of $21 per additional class.

  • A valid Credit Card is required to be kept on file.




This document is a legally binding agreement between you and The Core Club OC, LLC d/b/a The Core Club and we will refer to the undersigned individual and the minor participant, if any, as “you” or “your” in this Agreement. This Agreement covers all of the services provided to you by The Core Club, as well as your use of any premises, facilities and/or equipment in connection with The Core Club.

ASSUMPTION OF RISK: You agree that if you engage in any training, physical exercise or activity, or you enter the premises or use any facility or equipment on the premises for any purpose (the “Training”), you do so at your own risk and assume the risk of any and all injury and damage you may suffer while Training, using equipment at the premises or provided by the Trainer and The Core Club, and all risks associated with Training and use of the facilities. This assumption of risk includes, without limitation, injuries or damages arising out of the active or passive negligence of Trainer and The Core Club. You assume all inherent and other risks of your participation in the Training, and use of the premises including any activity, class, program, instruction, or event. Your assumption of risk includes, but is not limited to, all risks associated with use of any sports fields, courts, locker rooms, sidewalks, parking lots, stairs, pools, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, lobby and all other areas and facilities on the premises. You agree that you are voluntarily participating in the Training and/or any of the activities noted above or related to the Training and you are assuming all risk of injury, death, illness, damage, or loss to you or your property that might result, including, without limitation, loss or theft of your personal property.

RELEASE: You agree on behalf of yourself (and all your personal representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, agents, and assigns) to release and discharge The Core Club, Trainer, Trainer’s employees, agents, representatives, successors, and assigns from any and all claims or causes of action (known or unknown) arising out of your participation in Training or any other activity and use of the premises, whether or not arising from the active or passive negligence of The Core Club or otherwise and you hereby waive your right bring, initiate and/or participate in any such claim or action (the “Release”). This Release does not include gross negligence or intentional acts, but it does include, without limitation, injuries with may occur as a result of (a) your use of exercise equipment or facilities which may malfunction or break, (b) improper maintenance of any exercise equipment, premises or facilities, (c) negligent Training, instruction, or supervision, (d) negligent hiring or retention of employees, and/or (e) injuries sustained while on the premises or traveling to or from the premises, including injuries resulting from negligent maintenance of the facility or premises.

INDEMNIFICATION: By signing this agreement, you hereby agree to defend, indemnify, and hold the Trainer and The Core Club harmless from and against any and all losses, costs, expenses, liabilities, damages, whether direct, incidental or indirect, Trainer and The Core Club may incur or suffer due to your participation in Training, use of the premises, and all services provided by The Core Club to you.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: You expressly agree this Assumption of Risk, Waiver, Release of Liability and Indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State in which the Training is conducted and the premises are located and that if any provision is held invalid or unenforceable, it will not affect any other provisions. You acknowledge that The Core Club is not in the business of selling weightlifting or exercise equipment, or any Training-related products to the public, and the use of any of these items is incidental to the service provided by The Core Club. You understand and agree that The Core Club does not place and has not placed such items into the stream of commerce. You warrant and represent that you are in good health and have adequate physical capacity to participate in the Training, and accept responsibility for any medical expenses incurred by you in connection with the Training. You acknowledge you have carefully read everything written in this Agreement and understand it is a complete release of liability of The Core Club and Trainer and an express assumption of risk and indemnity by you. You are aware and agree that by signing this Agreement, you are giving up your right to bring a legal action or assert a claim against The Core Club and Trainer for negligence or for your use of any allegedly defective product. You confirm you have voluntarily signed this Agreement and agree no oral or other representations, statements, or inducements, apart from this written Agreement, have been made to you by The Core Club or anyone on behalf of The Core Club.




Your privacy is very important to us. The page below goes over in detail how we approach your data.

We will need to take your details from time to time – for example for processing payments, and learning how to offer you a better product. However, we won’t give that info to anyone else, the only use we’ll put it to is something directly related to your account.

When we take private information from you such as payment details, these are held securely to ensure privacy and are not shared.

Like virtually every company, we do use third party companies to provide some parts of our service, so when you are making payments for example, you will need to give your payment details to our payments provider.  Rest assured the people we work with are trusted by millions and have excellent safeguards themselves.


The Core Club OC, LLC understands the importance of your privacy, and we want you to be as comfortable as possible visiting our site and using our services. This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which The Core Club collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a “User”) of website (“Site”). This privacy policy applies to the Site and all products and services offered by The Core Club. We hope this will help you make an informed decision about sharing personal information with us. Please read this privacy policy before using the site or submitting any personal information. By using the site, you are accepting the practices described in, and the terms of, this privacy policy. These practices may change, but any changes will be posted on this page. You are encouraged to review the privacy policy whenever you visit the site to make sure that you understand how any personal information you provide will be used.

Please note that the privacy practices set forth in this privacy policy are for this website only. If you navigate to other websites, please review the privacy policies posted at those sites.


We may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Users visit our site, register on the site, subscribe to the newsletter, and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources we make available on our Site. Users may be asked for, as appropriate, name, email address, mailing address, phone number, credit card information. Users may, however, visit our Site anonymously. We will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuse to supply personal identification information, except that it may prevent them from engaging in certain Site related activities.


We may collect non-personal identification information about Users whenever they interact with our Site. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of computer and technical information about Users means of connection to our Site, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers utilized and other similar information.


Our Site may use “cookies” to enhance User experience. User’s web browser places cookies on their hard drive for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about them. User may choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If they do so, note that some parts of the Site may not function properly or optimally.


The Core Club may collect and use Users personal information for the following purposes:

To improve customer service – Information you provide helps us respond to your customer service requests and support needs more efficiently.

To personalize user experience – We may use information in the aggregate to understand how our Users as a group use the services and resources provided on our Site.

To improve our Site – We may use feedback you provide to improve our products and service.

To process payments – We may use the information Users provide about themselves when placing an order only to provide service to that order. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to provide the service.

To run a promotion, contest, survey or other Site feature – To send Users information they agreed to receive about topics we think will be of interest to them.

To send periodic emails or text messages – We may use the email address or phone number to send User information and updates pertaining to their order. It may also be used to respond to their inquiries, questions, and/or other requests. If User decides to opt-in to our mailing list, they will receive emails and/or text messages that may include company news, updates, related product or service information, etc. If at any time the User would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails or texts, we include detailed unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email.


We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, username, password, transaction information and data stored on our Site.

Sensitive and private data exchange between the Site and its Users happens over a SSL secured communication channel and is encrypted and protected with digital signatures.


We do not sell, trade, or rent Users personal identification information to others. We may share generic aggregated demographic information not linked to any personal identification information regarding visitors and users with our business partners, trusted affiliates and advertisers for the purposes outlined above.


Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. For that reason, we never collect or maintain information at our Site from those we actually know are under 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13.


The Core Club has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, we will revise the updated date at the bottom of this page. We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.


By using this Site, you signify your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Site. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of The Core Club or its services, or your dealings with this site, please contact us at:

This Privacy Policy has been updated and effective as of May 1st, 2024.

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