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Ocean City Pilates Studio

Here at TCC, we'd receive many questions about our Ocean City Pilates studio. Below you'll find answers to questions related to our Core Reformer workout.

What is Core Reformer aka ClubFormer?

The ClubFormer provides exercise options with zero rest periods to promote efficient muscle fatigue without stress on the joints or back. Here at The Core Club, our classes combine vital components of physical fitness – cardio, endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility training in one session. Fast transitions plus slow-controlled movements from one activity to the next exercise, allows you to maintain a high heartbeat rate to keep you burning calories during and after your workout session.

How often should I attend ClubFormer workout session?

A high intensity Pilates workout session is meant to work your body to muscle fatigue. Depending on your workout intensity and fitness level, you may attend the class three times a week to let your body recover on time, but some of our hardcore clients come 4-5 times a week.

Should I eat before or after the ClubFormer Pilates workout session? 

We recommend eating small snack 30-45 minutes before working out. Eating before your workout will help burn more fat rather than muscle and help keep your energy level high. We recommend you eat some protein within 45 minutes after your workout. This will help aid muscle recovery.

How many calories can I burn with one session?

High intensity Pilates is a slow-burn workout. You can burn up to 500 calories during class and continue to burn more calories for a few hours after your session.

Can I attend the Pilates workout session if I am pregnant?

We do not recommend starting our classes if you are pregnant and new to the workout. However, clients who regularly attend our workout classes may continue their sessions with us as long as they receive approval from their doctor. 

Are there different level classes?

Our ClubFormer classes can accommodate fitness enthusiasts of all levels, and all our fitness instructors are taught how to manage the workout for everyone. However, we offer advanced classes for experienced clients and fundamental classes for slower-paced clients.

How old do I have to be to start a ClubFormer workout session?

You must be 18 years of age and above to get on the ClubFormer alone. An adult must accompany you if you are under 18 years.

How do I make the most out of my ClubFormer workout session?

First, you need to listen to your instructor and transition times. The less time you take transitioning from one task to the next, the more time you keep your heart rate up and stimulate your muscle fibers. This means you are burning more calories.

What should I bring for my workout section?

Come with a positive mindset. It would help if you also come with a comfortable cloth that allows you to stretch your muscles. Do not wear jewelry, lotions, and strong perfumes. 

Still have more questions about our Woodlands Pilates studio studio workout? Feel free to contact us at We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

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